Bowe Digital’s entire team is now HubSpot Academy certified. All 18 of the company’s full-time employees completed a training course in either sales enablement, content marketing, social media marketing, digital marketing, frictionless sales and/or digital advertising.
“We are always looking for ways to do more for our customers,” Owner and Chief Inspiration Officer Wayne Stanley said in a release. “Our goal is to establish ourselves as a true partner. That means serving as a hub of information and providing more value to effectively drive sales, outcomes and growth for our partners in this ever-changing marketplace.”
“By concentrating on training, our team can further their individual careers and expertise and better serve our partners; it’s a win for everyone involved,” Agency Director Heather Lunsford added. “We want to grow for and with our partners because their company’s success is a reflection of our success.”
Founded in 2017, Bowe Digital works with nearly 200 companies across the country. It offers a variety of custom services, including social media and blog content, communication planning, M&A marketing, press releases and crisis media strategy. Bowe Digital also owns Title Success, a company that guides title companies engaged in M&A activity, and Railroad Marketing, a company that provides marketing solutions to small businesses.