During the June 28 meeting, the Maryville City Council terminated a development agreement with Harvest Investments’ Vintage Estates, as the company has decided to not continue with the estimated $12 million housing development on North Country Club Road.
Last November the council had agreed to annex the rezoned planned unit development property into the city and once completed the city would have reimbursed the developer for the design and installation of the sanitary sewer. The rezoning will remain for future development of the property.
Earlier in the open meeting, Maryville Parks and Recreation Director Jeff Stubblefield presented the department’s annual report which addressed the past year’s challenges due to COVID-19 as well as possible improvements to the parks addressed in the master plan such as the aging aquatic center and other updating issues of the parks’ ADA amenities. He reported the Thomson Splash ‘n Play is averaging over 250 youth per day, Hughes Fieldhouse numbers are growing and a summer concert is planned for Westside Donaldson Park July 11. New programs are being added throughout the year.
Other business addressed:
• Approved a resolution for support of Southview Apartments Phase III’s development of 32 units for their Missouri Housing Development Corporation application for low income housing tax credits with the proposed $6.5 million development to be placed on the south side of Volunteer Avenue. There would be a need for rezoning of the property.
• Executed a contract with MTC Contracting, Inc., North Kansas City, for masonry repair to City Hall’s eastern wall that is needing complete tuckpointing not-to-exceed $42,500.
• Another contract was approved with United Electric Cooperative to relocate electrical services at Mozingo Lake Recreation Park’s RV area due to the expansion project at a quote of $13,852.
City Manager Greg McDanel reported city staff is still pushing the federal agencies for the needed approval to go out for a 30 day bid package on the South Main Improvement Corridor. He told HDR is working through the Mozingo Lake algae monitoring plan and review from staff and Pittsburg Tank is repairing the tank for the site. Geosmin levels are increasing so the lake will be treated with a 1/2 of a chemical concentration. Banking bids will be opened at the next meeting shared by McDanel. He is also receiving guidance on the American Recovery Act funds to be received for the city.
Councilman Dannen Merrill requested a review of the current signage coming from the west on Highway 136 to the Mozingo Lake Recreation Park entrance.
The council went into closed session for personnel issues.