For a limited time, Missouri business owners and experts are invited to share their expertise by contributing a blog post to Missouri Real Estate News. All articles must be related to real estate, buying and selling homes, building or remodeling homes, home maintenance and repair, mortgages and lending, insurance, and the like.
The article will also be shared on the Missouri Real Estate News Facebook page.
There is currently NO CHARGE for this service. Our goal is to help you share your expertise with consumers and business people who are interested in buying or selling residential and commercial real estate in Missouri.
Article Requirements:
(note: I can often use one of your existing blog posts)
- minimum length 500 words, in Word or Text format (not PDF)
- a single image or photo (larger file sizes preferred)
- contact information to be published at the bottom of the article, such as:
- Business Name
- Website URL
- Address
- Phone
- Social media links (Facebook, YouTube, etc)
Please contact me FIRST, using this form.
WE WILL ALSO BE ACCEPTING AD PLACEMENTS VERY SOON – Message me if that interests you!