ST. LOUIS – The flooding Monday night through Tuesday morning impacted animal shelters across the St. Louis area that have suffered property damage and need donations and foster families to help.
After 10 puppies drowned, the 15 dogs that survived were taken to an animal hospital in Wentzville.
“Luckily, it seems like all the adults did ok and relatively minor injuries,” said Jacob Lucas, Veterinarian from Animal Talk Medical Center.
Other shelters like St. Clair Animal Control had several local animal rescues to help move their dogs from the standing water.
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Gateway Pet Guardians took in 21 dogs who are fostered that were given away either temporarily or permanently with the goal to be adopted in the coming days. They said only a few dogs were not fostered.
“Today, we got over 1,000 foster applications which is the most we’ve ever gotten at one time,” said Alisha Vianello, Executive Director for Gateway Pet Guardians. “People want to help animals and it’s been the most inspiring thing.”
In Maryland Heights at the Humane Society of Missouri, five kennels were filled with adult dogs elbow-deep in water, the dogs were not harmed, but there was a lot of damage to the building.
“It was very difficult, with no elevators, it’s just up and down stairs and hauling all of the stuff,” said Dr. Julie Brinker, Veterinarian for the Humane Society of Missouri. “Because anything that was sitting in that water was potentially contaminated by sewage.”
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With flooding from the nearby creek, the entire basement was flooded with roughly nine inches of water. The Humane Society said they lost five rooms to water damage and almost a ton of food.
The Humane Society of Missouri said they will have to get the rest of the floor inspected before making repairs to walls with holes in them and floors covered in mud.
If you would like to donate, sign up to be a foster parent, or need emergency shelter if you’ve been affected by the flooding, visit the Gateway Pet Guardians website at