Plans for a large home near to a Bury park to be used as a house of multiple occupation have been approved.
The property, on Monmouth Avenue, off Walmersley Road, is close to Clarence Park.
Applicants Harp Property Investing Ltd applied to the council for a change of use of a building for it to be used as a six-person house of multiple occupation (HMO).
An officer report on the application, read: “There is no planning history or any other evidence to suggest that the building has been anything other than in lawful use as single dwelling-house.
“As such on the balance of probability the building was in domestic use and so would qualify for the permitted development right.
“The submitted floor plans show a total of six bedrooms with en suite bathrooms and shared communal kitchen and living space.
“As such the building is capable of being occupied by up to six individuals living a single household.
“Therefore the existing use of an HMO is lawful.”
Bury Council has now issued a lawful development certificate for the conversion.
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The applicant stated in the application that building has already been converted as a HMO.
The form, stated: “The house on Monmouth Ave was a single dwelling and has been converted and operated as a six person HMO under the permitted development regulations .
“The mortgage company are requesting a certificate of lawfulness for the property to operate as a HMO.”