The Salem Area Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors met May 26 for its monthly meeting.
The board received updates from executive director Tabatha Utley on the new digital LED sign. The sign is fully functional at this time.
Chris Holliday suggested we will review state guidelines on what is allowed to be placed on the reader sign. Utley reported a lot of interest from our community about the sign so far.
Utley reported four new members joined over the past month, including Iced Out Shaved Ice; Sinks Pharmacy; love, Carly; and Dent County Museum.
Utley reported that sponsorship is still being collected for the 7th Annual Salem Area Chamber of Commerce Rodeo that will be held Sept. 4-5 at Dent County Commons. The board reviewed volunteers and coverage for the event. Utley has signed the contract with Outlaw Rodeo productions and waiting for a contract from Dent County Commons. Blake Skaggs Mini Buckers will participate in the rodeo again this year.
Board reviewed the current mission statement. President Tod Kinerk has asked for suggestions for a new mission statement or slogan that will easily convey the mission of the chamber.
The Fourth of July parade will be held Sunday, July 4 starting at 6 p.m. following the normal parade route. The theme is “Show-Me-Missouri, Celebrating 200 years” with Michael and Ahleesha Elwood as the grand marshals. Kinerk has a convertible reserved to transport the grand marshals.
Kinerk discussed the chamber’s BBQ grill being used for other events, and the board voted that members could borrow the grill by donation.
The chamber’s annual meeting will be held Nov. 9 at the Wilson’s Family Center starting at 6 p.m. Kinerk reported that the program will consist of highlights from past presidents of the chamber. Chris Hendrix has Heartstrings- Bradford Family Music scheduled for the entertainment.
Utley reported a few typos on the visitor guides that would be corrected for the next printing.
Economic Development Director Sally Burbridge gave board updates on the demo program, next housing meeting and utility bills being processed.